ясность Claridad 条理清晰 Chiarezza מובן Anlaşılırlık വ്യക്തത Sự rõ ràng 明瞭さ Wyrazistość وضوح
Chiarezza מובן 明瞭さ Wyrazistość وضوح ясность Claridad 条理清晰 Anlaşılırlık വ്യക്തത Sự rõ ràng
Wyrazistość وضوح ясность Claridad 条理清晰 Chiarezza מובן Anlaşılırlık വ്യക്തത Sự rõ ràng 明瞭さ
ആത്മവിശ്വാസം Sự tự tin Pewność siebie خودباوری уверенность Seguridad en si mismo 自信 Sicurezza בטחון עצמי Özgüven
Seguridad en si mismo 自信 Sicurezza בטחון עצמי Özgüven ആത്മവിശ്വാസം Sự tự tin 自信 Pewność siebie خودباوری уверенность
בטחון עצמי Özgüven ആത്മവിശ്വാസം Sự tự tin 自信 Pewność siebie خودباوری уверенность Seguridad en si mismo Sicurezza
خودباوری уверенность Seguridad en si mismo Sicurezza בטחון עצמי Özgüven ആത്മവിശ്വാസം Sự tự tin 自信 Pewność siebie
Sự khéo léo 雄弁さ Elokwencja شیوایی بیان техника речи Elocuencia 口才 Eloquenza רהוט Anlatım gücü വാഗ്ചാതുര്യം
口才 Eloquenza רהוט Anlatım gücü വാഗ്ചാതുര്യം Sự khéo léo 雄弁さ Elokwencja شیوایی بیان техника речи Elocuencia
Anlatım gücü വാഗ്ചാതുര്യം Sự khéo léo 雄弁さ Elokwencja شیوایی بیان техника речи Elocuencia 口才 Eloquenza רהוט
техника речи Elocuencia 口才 Eloquenza רהוט Anlatım gücü വാഗ്ചാതുര്യം Sự khéo léo 雄弁さ Elokwencja شیوایی بیان
Anlaşılırlık വ്യക്തത Sự rõ ràng 明瞭さ Wyrazistość وضوح ясность Claridad 条理清晰 Chiarezza מובן
ആത്മവിശ്വാസം Sự tự tin 自信 Pewność siebie خودباوری уверенность Seguridad en si mismo Sicurezza בטחון עצמי Özgüven
Sự khéo léo 雄弁さ Elokwencja شیوایی بیان техника речи Elocuencia 口才 Eloquenza רהוט Anlatım gücü വാഗ്ചാതുര്യം
Est. 2002, in Melbourne, Australia
This is traditional Wurundjeri, Boonwurrung, Wathaurrung, Daungwurrung and Dja DjaWrung (Kulin Nation) country.
Accent modification and communication skills
We offer in-person flexible and dynamic one-on-one training in Melbourne for both second-language speakers of English and native speakers.
For clients elsewhere, we have a unique online accent reduction program. (Overview of services)
Our clients appreciate our knowledge of different language systems, serious accent modification and real-life spoken English communication, and our friendly, honest, no-nonsense approach.
Pandemic: Face-to-face training has resumed
Our essential advantage is that we can help you with one issue, or across many areas, including elocution lessons or other communication skills for better English as a first- or second-language speaker.
Our breadth of experience is unmatched in Australia. (Our clients’ reviews)
Enhance your language skills and build confidence, knowing that people will understand you better and will listen to what you have to say. Let us be your language mentor.
Scroll down or use the menu button to discover more about our services.
We are the experts

- 21 years providing accent/communication training
- 11 years doing academic research in phonetics and language learning
- 6 years teaching university linguistics and phonetics

- 15 years providing accent/communication training
- 20 years doing academic research in phonetics and Australian English
- 15 years teaching university linguistics and phonetics
Our philosophy
Communication is complex. We have the full perspective.
Effective training
Advanced accent reduction
Learn the Australian English accent
Communicating insincerely: “We apologise for any inconvenience.”
Elocution and language
Specialised communication
Dishonest messaging: “We encourage you to seek external development opportunities.”